My New Year’s Resolutions

Well it’s that time of year to make resolutions. We make resolutions to self-improve our lives for the better. Some of us break them in the first day. Others break them in the first week. But we must make our resolutions achievable and you must believe in your self to complete them. Don’t make them to break them.

Many people make resolutions to stop smoking or to go on a diet. But I’m not doing that because they are too hard to compete, even though, I don’t smoke and I would like to stop eating junk food. But I know that as soon as someone mentions takeaway I would fail. You have to set easy and achievable goals, such as saving money, learning a new skill or improving an old skill.

These are my New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. I want to get better at cooking.
  2. Keep trying and don’t give up.
  3. Complete and keep up-dating my blog.
  4. Get close to finishing my life story.
  5. To create some games using a programming language (i.e Flash, C++ or HTML)

My resolutions are not that hard, I believe. I should be able to do these within a year lol.

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